29 Apr 2020
Can you chemically disinfect mobile devices without voiding the warranty?
Although we think of hospitals and clinics as the places people go to get well, they are also home to, and a breeding ground…
30 Mar 2020
New tools and integration capabilities improve Silhouette’s usability
We’ve been listening to our customers and have used their feedback to make considerable enhancements to Silhouette’s image tracing experience and Electronic Medical Record…
11 Dec 2019
Automatic boundary detection feature now available
The latest release of ARANZ Medical Silhouette software (version 4.7) includes a sophisticated automatic boundary detection tool. This tool will not only reduce the…
18 Oct 2019
Western Australia aims to reduce amputation rates and improve patient care with state-wide Silhouette® implementation
ARANZ Medical’s Silhouette system is being deployed in Western Australia to improve the care provided for diabetes patients across the entire state. Type 2…
04 Oct 2019
Virtual Multidisciplinary Foot Ulcer Clinic rolled out for Kimberley people
The high rates of lower limb amputations across the Kimberley are alarming. But in some instances may be prevented by timely access to appropriate…
03 Oct 2018